True Islamic Course

Share of the needy

In the modern world the indigence and poverty of a large number of people and vast class distinctions have attracted the minds of the wise men and they are making efforts to remedy this ailment and to reduce the dangerous gap between different classes.

In order to prevent accumulation of wealth and uproot the evil of poverty Islam has prescribed the law of alms and zakat. According to this law the rich persons are under obligation to pay every year a fixed percentage of their wealth to the poor.

The holy’Qu’ran has mentioned it at a number of places (for example, Sura al- Baqarah verses 40, and 104 and 173, Sura al-A’raf verse 155, Sura al- Hajj verse 42 and Sura al- Mominun,verse4) and has given it so much importance that it has usually been mentioned along with the greatest of the religious duties namely’prayers;

For example it says:

“Perform prayers and pay poor- due, because you will be rewarded for whatever good work you do.”

(Ref: surah al- baqarah, verse 104).

Reason why for zakat is made obligatory

The leader of Islam have mentioned the philosophy underlying the law of zakat and have thereby encouraged the people to pay it.

Imam al Sadiq (p) says:

“Zakat has been prescribed for this purpose that the rich people should be tested and the poor should be helped. If people had paid zakat for their wealth there would have been no indigent Muslim. On the other hand by means of this right fixed for the poor by the Allah poor would have become free from need. Hence if poor and hungry persons are founded it is on account of the sin committed by the rich and it is only appropriate that Allah may with- hold his blessing from those people who have not paid the rights of the needy.”

(Ref.: Man la yahzarho –al – Faqih pp 151)

He also says:

“ Allah has fixed a share for the poor in the wealth of the rich and made the poor pathers in their belongings. No rich person deserves praise unless he pays that right viz. Zakat. By means of zakat their lives (I. E. the lives of the poor) are guaranteed and with this sign a Muslim is called a Muslim.”

(Ref. Feru’ al- Kafi, vol. I, pp. 140)

These words of Imam al Sadiq (p) also deserves attention: “ Allah has fixed five dirhams as zakat out of one thousand dirhams, because he has created the humans beings and knows the extent of their needs. He know that out of every one thousand persons twenty five are poor (I. E. number of weak persons and those who cannot do any work and are in need of immediate help is within these limits) and has fixed a large share for them, because Allah is their Creator and is aware of their condition.”

(Ref. :Man la Yahzarho al-Faquih, pp 151)

Islam has formally rung the bell of alarm for the rich and informed them of the dangers which spring out of the class differences.

The holy prophet says:

“ Ensure your wealth by paying zakat’’.

(Ref. Al Wasail al-Shi’ah, Vol. II, pp. 4)

This is so because it is evident that most of the wicked dees and thefts and above all the inauspicious melody of communism take birth from acute need.

Whatever has been said above was with regard to the payment of zakat from the economic viewpoint. However, it should not be forgotten that its spiritual aspect also enjoys at least as much importance.

Imam Ali (p) says:

“ Zakat along with prayers, has been held for Muslims to be a means of proximity to Allah. it becomes an atonement for the sins of a person who pays its willingly and protects him from the fire of the hell. Hence none should pay it with a heavy heart and feel said on the account of its payment.”

(Ref.Nahj al-Balaghah, pp. 635)

On another occasion he says:

“Do not forget to pay zakat, for zakat quenches the wrath of Allah.”

(Ref.: Kitab-i-Saleem bin qais “Najaf Edition”, pp. 15)

Those who do not pay zakat

For the above mentioned reasons Islam has strongly condemned non- payment of a zakat and has threatened the well- to-do people who refrain from paying it.

Imam al Baqir (p) quotes from Imam Ali (p) and he from the Holy prophets as having said:

“ If people refrain from praying zakat, Allah’s blessings will also be with held from earth.”

(Ref.: al- Furu-al-Kafi, Vol. I, pp 142.)

And Imam al Sadiq (p) also says:

“One who refrains from paying the least amount of zakat (one carat) is neither a believer, nor a Muslim.”

(Ref.: al-Wasail al- Shi’ah, vol. ii, pp. 5)

Islam attaches so much importance to this social institution that the holy prophet (p) formally turned out of the Masjid some persons who considered this vital matter to be something quite ordinary and had failed to pay the rights of the poor.

He said:

“You who do not pay zakat, should leave ‘our Masjid’ and should not offer prayers in it.”

(Ref. : Man la al Yahzarho al-Faquih, pp. 152)

Although Islam accords respect to economic freedom and personal property and says:

“Allah has made gold and silver coins (money and wealth) to be means of welfare of the people so that they may meet their needs in different walks of life and achieve their ends. Hence the entire wealth of those who accumulate a god deal of it but comply with Allah’s orders and pay zakat (I.e. the rights of the poor) shall become pure and lawful.”

But at the some time it (i.e.Islam) considers the non-payment of the rights of the poor to be an unpardonable sin and says:

“A person who accumulates sufficient belonging and gold and silver and practices stinginess and does not pay Allah’s right (and in its stead) converts it into gold and silver vessels (and leads a Luxurious life) shall deserve divine wrath.

As Almighty Allah says:

“A day (will arrive when) these coins will be made red with the fire of hell and will be impressed on their foreheads, backs and sides.”

(Ref.: al-Wasail al-Shi’ah Vol. Ii pp. 4)